Retirement Planning
It is never too soon or too late, but you need a plan. Setting goals is where it starts. When do you want to retire, and how much would you like to have to spend? You don’t need to be precise, but we need to get pointed in the right direction. And if you’re close to retirement or already retired, we need to make sure your resources last you a lifetime and incur the least amount of tax possible.WHY?
This will be your largest investment in your lifetime and to do it without a plan is pure folly. No one ever accomplished anything meaningful without a vision of what the future might be. We put the meat on the bones of your retirement plan and explain the options in a language you can understand.WHAT?
It’s a written plan that includes savings and investment recommendations. Options for minimizing tax, using trusts and/or a corporation if you are incorporated to make sure you can retire without worry. And includes a risk analysis to ensure you and your family are protected all the way through. It is also a collaborative plan that is shared with your accountant and lawyer to make sure we are all pulling in the same direction.